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February 16 – New year according to the lunar calendar and Day of the shining star

On February 16-18, 2018 in the DPRK celebrate 2 big holidays of the Korean people at once – New year according to the lunar calendar and Day of the shining star and the Birthday of the Commander companion Kim Jong-il.

On February 16-18, 2018 in the DPRK celebrate 2 big holidays of the Korean people at once – New year according to the lunar calendar and Day of the shining star and the Birthday of the Commander companion Kim Jong-il.

The “RasonConTrans” staff headed by the Deputy CEO for operation and safety Roman Minkevich and the Deputy General Manager for Economics and finance Dmitry Burdukov together with all Korean staff of the enterprise participated in the flower-laying to a monument of companions Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong-il established on the Mount Chikendon.

After that staff of joint venture Kimirsenkhva-Kimchenyrkhva where they examined a flower-show Kimchenyriya visited the Rasonsky flower greenhouse. It is the long-term specially removed begonia with bright red inflorescences which blossoms every year for birthday of Kim Jong-il on February 16. The flower symbolizes wisdom, love, justice and the world. Botanik-chuchkheist called it a kimcheniriya on the occasion of the celebration of the 46 anniversary of Kim Jong-il (literally — "Kim Jong-il's Flower") in honor of the Favourite Head.

Before February 14 the delegation of “RasonConTrans” took part in opening of a flower festival Kimchenilkhva in the Rasonsky flower greenhouse Kimirsenkhva - Kimchenyrkhva, carried out under the direction of National committee Mr. Razon.



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Contact us

Rasoncontrans JVC

DPRK, Rason City, Chaphyon-dong

+7 (4212) 910987
+7 (4212) 910988

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