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RasonConTrans JVC representatives took part in the 3rd Eastern Economic Forum (EEF)

RasonConTrans JVC representatives took part in the 3rd Eastern Economic Forum (EEF)

On September 5-7, 2017, the 3rd Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) was held in Vladivostok. It is an expert platform that is unique in scale and level of participants. This year the forum was attended by more than 3,500 participants from 55 countries, including the presence of "RasonConTrans" JVC in the person of Director General Ivan Mikhailovich Tonkikh.

Within the framework of the Forum, representatives of the international investment community, business, government agencies, both in Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, had a constructive discussion on the existing problems and their solutions.

One of the key events of the Forum was the Plenary meeting where the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and other political figures could be witnessed. In particular, the topics that have been given special attention are the development of the economic potential of the Far Eastern region, as a unique project for investors, and the development of trade and economic international relations between countries.

On the last day of EEF Director General of "RasonConTrans" JVC and his colleagues took an active part in the discussion held within the framework of the "Russia-Korea" Business Dialogue. An important issue discussed by the participants was the investment programs on development of mining projects and projects related to the development of the energy sector in the region, such promising areas as tourism, logistics, Hi-Tech technologies and others.

The Eastern Economic Forum does not only allow to discuss existing problems, but also shows the effective development of the region as a favorable zone for investment. The participants of the forum were able to exchange experience, share the opinions on existing difficulties and their solutions. One of the interesting projects that attract attention is "RasonConTrans" Joint Venture. The director general of the joint venture and representatives of such companies as NOVATEK, RusHydro, NK Rosneft, POSCO and other corporations conducted working negotiations and discussed issues of interest to their businesses.

Such events as EEF allow to establish business ties between companies, reveal the investment potential of new partners and strengthen the positions of companies in the Asia-Pacific region, which contribute to the development of new areas of activity and expansion of the space for trade and economic relations.



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