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Meeting of the heads of "RasonConTrans" JVC with “Donghae” Railway company

Meeting of the heads of JV "RasonConTrans" and railway transport company “Donghae”

On July 29, 2017 the leaders of "RasonConTrans" joint venture held a meeting with the leaders of Donghae company in the seaport of Rajin in order to discuss the important issues for both sides. The director of “Donghae”, comrade Kim Chor Ho, offered the director general of "RasonConTrans" JVC Ivan Tonkikh to consider the possibility of buying a diesel locomotive as an annual rent payments for using the railway track between Tumangan and Rajin and to pass it further to operational leases. During the negotiations it was decided to postpone the resolution for the beginning of 2018. The management of "Donghae" offered to increase the number of positions for the service employees at Tumangan station in "RasonConTrans" staff. Ivan Tonkikh reported that the number of employees will be revised with an increase in traffic from 5 million tons per year. The issue of organization of 24 -hour operation of border and customs authorities at the checkpoint of Tumangan station with an increase in traffic flow sent to the port of Rajin was also considered.

The Korean side provided a list of activities to work out this issue. Ivan Tonkikh offered to reduce the terms of train traffic along Tumangan-Rajin section by settling Korean traffic dispatchers together with Russian specialists in an integrated control center. The Korean side promised to discuss this offer with the Rason Railway. The topic of the diesel locomotives traffic leased from Russian Railways from Khasan to Tumangan station and back by locomotive brigades of the DPRK Ministry of Railways with breaks at Khasan station was discussed. The director of “Donghae” company asked to write an official request for coordinating the work of crossing the state border for it to be considered in Pyongyang. The director general of “RasonConTrans” JVC offered to provide the training fee in the advanced training center of Ussuriysk for two Korean machinists. At the end of the meeting, one more issue of joint working out of a single instruction and a rigid train schedule (including passenger trains) by the specialists of "RasonConTrans" JVC and Rason Railways was considered.



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