The trip schedule was very intensive and was filled of business meetings and appointments. It began with participating in the 13th Secession of Russian-Vietnamese Governmental Sub-Commission on Cooperation in Energetics, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Energy Anatoly Yanovsky. RasonConTrans JVC suggested adding extra items on the agenda of the Commission to make the cooperation in the coal shipments more effective. In particular, Ivan Tonkikh offered producing a customs ‘instruction’ for importing and exporting companies engaged in coal shipments through the third peer of the port of Ragjin to eliminate risk of misunderstanding that RCT JVC business had been excluded from the sanctions list by the resolutions of the UN Security Council and to smooth all details of the customs procedures.
The Director General had a separate negotiation with officials of the Coal Shipment Control Department and with Assistant to the Director of the International Department of Vietnamese Customhouse. Having studied the proposed scheme the Customhouse authorities assumed that there were no any obvious bureaucratic issues and handicaps for its execution. As soon as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that a verbal note from the UN Security Council had been issued, the Customhouse of dispatch port would receive information of the permission.
A Vietnamese coal buyer also attended the business appointment with the Vietnam - Russia Joint Venture Bank. The parties reached agreements on credit provision; assignment of a benefit rate for letter of credit, besides, the bankers assured that they were working out a separate channel for all transactions of RasonConTrans JVC made between Vietnam - Russia Joint Venture Bank and VTB Bank acting on behalf of Russian part. Therefore, all effected transactions would be maximally closed and would be effected by secure channel that guaranteed to an importing part no risk of disclosing information to a third party.
RasonConTrans JVC entered into negotiations with Vietnamese Shipping Company to discuss availability of direct freighting. The Vietnamese party is ready for cooperation and mutual benefit partnership.